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We are incredibly proud to serve you Homarr 0.11! It contains many breaking changes and huge improvements to your favourite dashboard app:

  • Integration of Gridstack for much more complex dashboard configuration and drag and drop
  • Added icon picker with smart search and automatic icons
  • Complete overhaul of the module system
  • Added an edit mode for making changes easier
  • Form validation for better user experience
  • Better security with new built in credentials system
  • Huge design and usability improvements to older components to Homarr
  • Better handeling of exceptions and unexpected issues

Complete implementation of highly customizable drag and drop library "Gridstack"โ€‹

In 0.11, we have replaced our quite limited drag and drop system with Gridstack. Gridstack enables you to create much more complex and advanced dashboards while keeping everything organized.

We've also introduced more advanced categories this time:

We'll continute to improve this system according to your feedback.

Modules have been overhauled and renamed to widgetsโ€‹

Widgets are now much snappier and have been completly recoded. This fixes some of the bugs a few users have previously experienced and improves overall customization.

Fancy icon picker for speeding up your creation processโ€‹

We've also added a new fancy icon picker, you can use to get access to any icons much faster. We will add more icon sources in the future, as we made this icon picker very modular, and we plan to make local icons accessible via this picker very soon.

Design and documentation improvements to homarr.devโ€‹ has been overhauled with better design, updated documentation, more images and better explanations. We've also added a few community made resources, such as the icon cache script and Traefik tutorial.

Download Homarr now!โ€‹

Homarr is completly free, even for commercial usage!

Download now:

Instructions for Installation

ยท One min read

We've been working hard to offer Homarr in many languages. The next update of Homarr will be using i18next to translate almost any part of your Dashboard.

We need your helpโ€‹

Yes, we need YOU! We want to make Homarr accessible to as many people as possible. Thus, we need to translate all content into many different languages. We need your help for that! You can help us now to translate Homarr into as many languages as possible.

About global translations / translations per userโ€‹

We are aware that many people would like to configure translations globally or configure language per user. Currently, translations are stored in the Cookies, which will expire after some time (currently, it's set to 30 days). We will implement more granular language settings in future versions of Homarr, since it requires major changes to Homarr. Stay tuned! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

ยท 2 min read

We are happy to announce that the documentation of Homarr has been migrated to Docusaurus - An opensource documentation tool. The documentation has been re-written partly and includes now many animations, guides and additional crucial information.

We are still figuring things out and highly depend on your feedback.

Why we migratedโ€‹

The default Github Wiki feature is decent - but very confusing to read. Our possibilites for searching the documentation in the Wiki are highly limited. Additionally, Users are unable to contribute to the documentation if they have not sufficient permissions.

We could not review any chanegs made to the documentation. This is why we migrated to Docusaurus.

How you can contributeโ€‹

The documentation will soon be merged into the master branch of Homarr. You'll find a doc/ directory in the root of Homarr. We'll obviously not include this in our Docker images. In the future, everyone may modify the documentation by creating a pull request. After we've reviewed your changes, we'll merge your PR and this documentation will automatically update.


The documentation on GitHub Wiki will soon disappear. It will be replaced with this Docusaurus-powered website. You'll find much more information here with higher detail and searchability.