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🐛 Known Issues

Here we keep track of the currently known issues of Homarr, reported by our community or the developers.

🚨 Adblocker will break and block the posters of TV shows

Many popular ad-blockers will block the posters of TV-shows in your calendar.


  • Posters are not loading correctly
  • Posters are replaced with some content from the ad-blocker


Please disable your ad-block for Homarr. Most blockers will offer a switch, where you can disable them for Homarr only.

🚨 Docker container requires a restart after making modifications to the icons

If you are using custom icons, you might be unable to get them working in the apps.


  • You've mounted the configuration path of Homarr
  • You've uploaded / copied icons in the correct folder, specified in our documentation
  • You've used the icons in the apps, but they don't display


For the time being, restart your docker container after adding / making any changes to your icons.